Wednesday, April 3 12:00 NOON–6:00 PM
Ecdysone Workshop
Robert Ward
University of Kansas, and
Ginger Carney
Texas A & M University
The Ecdysone Workshop welcomes all those interested in
insect endocrinology. The topics covered include, but are
not limited to, hormone synthesis and secretion, and
hormonal control of transcription, differentiation,
morphogenesis, growth, metabolism, timing and behavior.
Importantly, this workshop is a forum to discuss the role
of different hormones (like 20-hydroxyecdysone, juvenile
hormone, peptide hormones, insulin) and the crosstalk
between their signaling pathways. Platform talks of 15
minutes will be selected from interested applicants and
grouped into sessions, with each session highlighted by an
invited speaker. To apply and/or receive the final
program, please email the organizers (
Wednesday, April 3 3:00 PM–5:00 PM
Federal Funding Opportunities and the
Proposal Review Process
A GSA Career Development Workshop
Washington 2
Joyce Fernandes
National Science
Foundation, and
Leslie Pick
National Science Foundation,
University of Maryland
Participants will become aware of multiple federal
funding opportunities through the National Science
Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. A panel
discussion with program officers will be followed by a
hands on exercise to examine program solicitations and
review criteria, and to work through the mechanics of
writing a good proposal.
Friday, April 5 1:30 PM–4:00 PM
Undergraduate Plenary Session and
Delaware B
Karen Hales
Davidson College, North
Carolina, and
Beth Ruedi
Genetics Society of America,
Bethesda, Maryland
Undergraduate conference attendees will attend an
Undergraduate Plenary Session” from 1:30-2:45 pm, with
talks presented at a level appropriate for an undergraduate
audience. From 2:45-3:45 pm, undergraduates will have a
chance to talk to a panel of graduate students about graduate
school, applications, interviewing, admission, choosing a
lab, and quality of life in graduate school.
Friday, April 5 1:45 PM–3:45 PM
The Future of Drosophila Genomics
Delaware A
Susan Celniker
Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, , and
Gary Karpen
Lawrence Berkeley National
The Future of Drosophila Genomics workshop will update
the community on the current status of model organism
genomic projects and lead discussions on possible future
projects. Topics include genomics, proteomics, epigenomics
and the regulome.