Page 18 - 54th Annual Drosophila Research Conference Program Guide

Wednesday, April 3
pm: Federal Funding Opportunities & the Proposal Review Process – Washington 2, Exhibit Level
A GSA Career Development Workshop
Participants will become aware of multiple federal funding opportunities through the National Science Foundation and the
National Institutes of Health. A panel discussion with program officers will be followed by a hands on exercise to examine
program solicitations and review criteria, and to work through the mechanics of writing a good proposal.
pm: GSA Education Special Interest Group Mixer – Virginia Suite, Lobby Level
Faculty with a passion for genetics education are encouraged to attend this mixer, where they can mix and mingle with other
educators. Current members of the Education SIG can catch up on actions taken by GSA with regards to the education
initiative, and those who are not yet SIG members can learn about the Education SIG.
Thursday, April 4
pm: GSA Career Luncheon – Virginia, Lobby Level
Sponsored by US Biological
The GSA Career Luncheon is an excellent opportunity for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows to have
informal conversations with senior career scientists regarding the unique challenges and rewards of a scientific career. The
luncheon is organized by topic table. Topics may include things like: transition to independence, work-family balance,
teaching at undergraduate institutions, non-academic careers for scientists, the when, how, and why of networking, dealing
with difficult colleagues, etc.
pm: Undergraduate Mixer – Marriott Foyer, Mezzanine Level
Undergraduate researchers attending the conference will network on their own, forming a peer-group that will help provide
lasting support for the remainder of the conference.
Friday, April 5
1:30 – 4:00
pm: Plenary Session and Workshop for Undergraduate Researchers – Delaware B, Lobby Level
Undergraduate conference attendees will attend an “Undergraduate Plenary Session” from 1:30-2:45 pm, with talks presented
at a level appropriate for an undergraduate audience. From 2:45-3:45 pm, undergraduates will have a chance to talk to a panel
of graduate students about graduate school, applications, interviewing, admission, choosing a lab, and quality of life in
graduate school.
1:45 – 3:45
pm: Effectively Integrating Undergraduates into a Research Program – Washington 2, Exhibit Level
This workshop will be presented by researchers who have successfully mentored undergraduates through their research
programs. Whether you are preparing to pursue an academic career at a primarily undergraduate institution or at a doctoral
degree granting institution with a significant undergraduate population, your strategies may include developing an
undergraduate course that is research based, or creating teams of graduate and undergraduate students. Such activities are
especially useful to demonstrate to funding agencies, the inclusion and mentoring components of your research program.
Participants will have the opportunity to work on a "road-map" for involving undergraduates in their research.
Saturday, April 6
6:45 – 8:45
pm: Drosophila Research and Pedagogy at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) – Maryland Suite
A, Lobby Level
This workshop focuses on increasing the quality and visibility of Drosophila research performed at primarily undergraduate
institutions (PUIs) and facilitating faculty and students in these endeavors. The goals include: 1) encouraging undergraduate
research by providing a forum for students to make oral presentations; 2) connecting people interested in this career path with
current PUI faculty; 3) establishing a network among current PUI faculty to promote discussion and provide support on
professional issues that differ from those at large institutions; 4) sharing concepts and techniques that encourage the
integration of Drosophila as a teaching tool in the classroom and laboratory.