The effect adenosine receptor and adenosine transporter on energy homeostasis. Michal Zurovec, Roman Sidorov, Lucie Kucerova. Dept Physiology, Biology Centre, Inst Entomology, Ceske Budejovic, Czech Republic.
Adenosine (Ado) is an ubiquitous metabolite, which plays a prominent role as a paracrine signal of metabolic imbalance within tissues. We found that transport of extracellular adenosine into the cytoplasm stimulates ATP synthesis and induces catabolism of carbohydrates and lipids in cells in vitro, whereas adenosine receptor signaling seems to work antagonistically and decreases cellular metabolic activity by blocking a number of metabolic enzymes. We also observed a ballance between adenosine transport and adenosine receptor signaling, which is characteristic for different cell types. Interestingly adenosine receptor is also required for the survival of model cancer clones in vivo. There is more than 20 times lower rate of wts tumor clones in the absence of AdoR, suggesting that AdoR plays a protective role for cancer clones in flies.