Molecular mechanisms underlying the intracellular distribution of ZP proteins for epidermal differentiation. Francois Payre1,2, Helene Chanut-Delalande1,2, Delphine Menoret1,2, Serge Plaza1,2. 1) Centre for Developmental Biology, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France; 2) CNRS, UMR5547, Toulouse, France.

   During late embryogenesis, the morphological differentiation of epidermal cells leads to the production of finely shaped apical extensions, called trichomes. A scaffold of Zona Pellucida (ZP) proteins that locally modify the apical extracellular matrix is required to sculpt the shape of trichomes. We have recently shown that 8 ZP proteins are localized in, and define, distinct apical regions, along the growing trichome (Fernandes et al, 2010). ZP proteins thus reveal a sub-compartimentalization of the apical domain. To understand how ZP proteins are addressed to sub-apical regions of the plasma membrane, we have undertook a genetic screening aiming at identifying genes required for ZP protein distribution. We focused on candidate genes displaying a strong alteration of trichome morphogenesis. We will present recent data showing the role of different classes of regulator of ZP distribution in the morphologicla differentiation of trichomes.