Chill coma recovery analysis a major climatic adaptation tool among drosophila species. Pankaj K. Tyagi1, Shruti Tyagi1, Sudhir Singh2. 1) Dept Biotechnology, Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India; 2) Department of Biotechnology, NIMS University, Jaipur Rajesthan INDIA.
We examine in six drosophila species (D. birempes, D. takahshi, D. kikkawai, D. melenogatesr, D. ananassae and D. jambulina) for the short and longer-term effects of three different conditions recovery temperatures in degree centigrade, cold duration in hrs and age in days on measures of cold resistance, particularly chill coma recovery. Data of recovery temperature and on recovery time showing a negative relation (non linear pattern with a plateau above 25C). Duration of cold stress and on recovery time, age and on recovery time both are showing a positive relation (looks like a linear pattern). The most common in all three conditions the D. takahshi is the coldest tolerant and D. ananassae the less cold tolerant species. In comparison of sex differentiation in chill coma recovery time was consistently larger for males than for females in all three conditions. Although theses relationships are well-known and previously published, but we have the opportunity to discuss them according to the different species used, according to their geographical distributions, origins and this pattern is assumed to reflect differences in their thermal adaptation, especially in their cold tolerance species as well as the less cold tolerant species in a global collection of six drosophila species.